It's been over a week since my last post!! What's wrong with me???
Well, I've been completely stressed out and busy with finishing up my internship projects, helping get the high school choir ready for their Christmas concert, and getting the elementary kids ready for their Christmas show! I've been running around like a crazy person the past week and really haven't had anything terribly interesting to blog about. So that's the reason for my absence. Not that anyone cares ;)
My Thanksgiving was amazing and filled with fun, family, and lots of food! There was definitely some weight gain, but nothing that I can't fix! And to be honest, I don't even care! I mean, come on. It's THANKSGIVING! My favorite part of the break was definitely Black Friday shopping with my mom, brother (Drew), and Chad. We laughed SO much and had a lot of fun! We got a lot of good stuff too!
Chad and I have been slowly getting out house ready for the Christmas season since after Thanksgiving, and it's been so much fun decorating and planning for our first Christmas as a married couple! :) We decided that this year, we're not getting each other lots of presents. We each have a stocking, and we're going to fill each others' stockings with goodies and maybe some small gifts. It's just something fun and simple we can do with out spending a lot of money.
Even though I just bought myself an early Christmas present. White North Face that is so amazingly warm! It was definitely worth it!
I only have about two more weeks of my student teaching left, and then it's GRADUATION and Christmas break!! I can't wait to graduate (Dec 16) and come back next semester as an employee! I have some really fun ideas for the kids next semester! :)
Okay well, this post has been nothing but random and probably just a little boring. So I wont torture you guys anymore! ;) Sorry for such boring blogging, maybe my next post will be better!
Thanks for reading! God bless! :)
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