Thanksgiving is one of my very favorite holidays! I seriously think I love it more than Christmas! The reason is because with Christmas, you have to worry about presents, but with Thanksgiving, you get almost all of the same foods, time spent with family, and a nice relaxing break from work! Now don't get me wrong, I still LOVE Christmas! But, sometimes it seems more stressful than fun. I like to look at Christmas as a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus with everyone I love. The presents and food are just bonus goodies. :)
Anyway, back to the real reason for this post! It's a "What I'm Thankful for Thursday/Thanksgiving!"
I'm thankful for soooo many things, but I'll try to stick with the most important ones! :)
1. A loving and supportive family
They are the best. No questions asked.
2. A wonderful amazing husband
He puts up with a lot of my craziness... and I don't know how he does it! :)
3. A financially stable life
Chad and I have been blessed enough to have made it through half of our first year together without any major troubles. In the beginning, it looked bad for us, but we prayed and new God would provide. He certainly has! :)
4. A job waiting on me after I graduate in a few weeks!
I can finally make this announcement official! My contract for continuing on as the music teacher at G.W. Trenholm primary school was approved by the board earlier this week! I start in January!!!! :)
5. The willpower and strength to stick with my diet/healthy lifestyle
I've been able to lose close to 25 lbs the past 3 months and have gotten down to 142 lbs! :)
6. Last but DEF not least, an amazing, loving, merciful, and forgiving GOD!
Without Him, I. am. nothing. He is the reason for numbers 1-5! He has blessed me SO much! :)
Well, I'm off to get ready for Thanksgiving feast number one for today! We are driving up to Shiloh, TN to visit my grandad's family and eat. A LOT. ;) Later tonight we'll be going to visit my dad's family where I'll be bring this little beauty that I made. (Recipe from Dashing Dish)
So we've got double Thanksgivings today! :)
I hope everyone has a fantastic Thanksgiving!!!
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