...gotta get down on Friday!!
No, I do not like that song.
But I do feel like "getting down" on Fridays! Especially this one, because:
1. We have a 2 hour delay at school because of snow!
Yeeeeaaaah... can you tell we don't get a lot of snow here?? haha
2. It's the start of a 3 day weekend thanks to MLK holiday! (4 day for me since I don't work on Mondays or Tuesdays anyway! haha)
3. This 3 day weekend is special because Chad and I are taking our youth group to a retreat called Behold that's held at Camp Sumatanga in Gallant, AL. You may remember me talking about another trip we took in September to Sumatanga called Alpha. That trip was okay, but Behold is ALWAYS awesome, and I'm SO excited to be bringing 30 youth to this retreat!
Also, it's such a good Friday because I had a fantabulous workout that I didn't have to wake up at 5 am for! Yay for more sleep!!! Here's what it looked like:
Intervals on the treadmill
Circuit Style Training
Oh yeah!! My arms and legs are sore! :)
Hey! Remember that awesome breakfast I was telling you about yesterday?? Strawberry Cheesecake Oatmeal??!! Yes, well here' how I did it!
1 package of PLAIN instant oatmeal (100 cals)
2 tbs of Strawberry Preserves (20 cals)
1/2 tbs of weight watcher cream cheese (30 cals)
I know yesterday I said it was 170 cals, but it was really only 150! score!
Oh yeah, and it's FRIDAY THE 13TH!! Does anyone really consider this a day of bad luck?
I really don't believe in bad luck.
I'm off to teach a FIVE hour workday instead of seven! YAY!
I'll be back later with some info on how I'm going to stick to my diet/healthy eating plan and exercise while on the retreat this weekend! :)
Thanks for reading!! :)
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